Tuesday, December 25, 2012

And a merry Christmas to you all out there. I hope you have all awakened to wonderful gifts and all the things that your heart did desire. Well now that the mushy crap is out of the way let us move on to some other business. I am about to start work on the after Christmas stuff of Shoofly, and if I can ever pull myself away from my game, I will start mapping out some of next years story lines. That's right, there will be story lines. Im not going to say what I have in mind, as it can change before I put it down on paper, or computer screen as it would seem to be with me. But it is some stuff that I am hoping will gather the attention of more people so we can really start to build a much larger audience. Now before I let you all go here, I do have another Christmas poem to share, a quick one that I jotted down. Here it is.

It is here, it is here,A time of joy,
A time of cheer,
all the girls,
and all the boys,
wake up early,
to play with toys,
in the kitchen,
cooks a turkey,
cooks a ham,
for its is Christmas sir,
it is Christmas ma'am,
fill a cup,
and have sip,
pour some brandy,
and have a nip,
maybe just a slice,
of the fruit cake,
would be nice,
still in the kitchen,
dinner cooks,
turkey, beef or ham,
for it is Christmas sir,
it is Christmas ma'am.

Alright then gang, that is going to do it for Christmas with Shoofly. Sorry I did not have a funny cartoon for you, but sometimes it is damn hard to write something funny every day, as you can tell from my track record. Anyways, have a good rest of the holiday, and check on back again tomorrow.
