Monday, December 17, 2012

And the count down begins ladies and gentlemen. We are eight days until the big day, that awesome day where we gather with family, good ones and bad, and open presents and eat food. That's right, we are eight days from Christmas people. But before that happens, lets check in with the gang from Shoofly and see what is going on.

Well it looks like Manny may have discovered the present that Sasha got for herself. So I know I do the whole fan letters thing and all, but since we are this close to Christmas, I wanted to try something else instead. I thought it would be fun to put up some letters to Santa. Now you may be wondering how I came into possession of these wonderful treasures. Well I know a few people who wrote some letters and wanted the world to read them. So lets see what the first one has in store for us.

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year, well as good as I could be since I am a professional drunk. I did not get into too many any fights, and only drank clear liquids, granted they were of the vodka, rum, and gin variety. Now if you are wondering about that arrest for public urination, well it was not my fault, as I could have sworn that I was in a bathroom, and that the cops leg was a urinal. But now he knows the difference between being pissed off and being pissed on, just as I know the difference between life beating me down and a burly cop beating me down. But the point of all of that, was that I learned my lesson. Now to the point of this whole letter, I was hoping that I could get a new liver, as the one I am sporting seems to have seen better days, and has reached its limits in the amount of alcohol it can now take. Thank you for your time, and thank you even more if you actually read this letter instead of just putting it through the shredder like I was expecting. Have a Merry Christmas.

-Whiskey Joe

All right gang, that is going to do it for this Monday, I will see you all again tomorrow.
