Friday, November 30, 2012

Today is the last day of November, and the last Shoofly cartoon for the week. I hope you all brought your smiles, if not you can always borrow one off the rack, just make sure to clean it first as you never know where those things have been.

Lets get to a quick letter before I start with my daily routine of talking everyone to death.

Dear DVid,

I saw that some one was talking bad about your work 
and wanted to write to let you know that I like it 
and am a fan. I liked the way you handled it by the way, 
not flying off the handle and insulting him, but simply 
putting him in his place.


Well Sarah, thank you very much for being a fan, it is nice to know that I am starting to build a fan base. I was unsure as to if I would ever find anyone out there would liked my work, but it seems I do not have to worry any longer. I am glad you liked the way I handled the guy who hated me, I thought it was best to be as polite as I could, but still pointing out the flaws in his logic of writing to me. In case anyone is wondering, I posted his nasty letter because I don't want people to think I am just putting up the ones that love me, or taking out the negative comments. Plus it is not so bad for people to hate you, as Todd McFarlane once said, "the worst thing they can do is ignore you."

Well gang I don't want to keep you here all day, so I am going to touch on a few things really quick then let you all go on with your day. First off I want to remind everyone that tomorrow will start the new schedule of seven days a week. So make sure to come back for a brand new Not @ All cartoon. Also Sunday I have something for you all as well that I hope you will come back to check out.

Ok now I guess we should call it a day. Until tomorrow, take care.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Welcome back everyone, on this, the last Thursday of the month. Only one day left now until we are in the final month of the year 2012. As it always seems to, this year has gone by in the blink of an eye. So with out any further adieu, here is today's edition of Shoofly....

Yesterday I made mention of a surprise I had in store for everyone. Well that surprise is going to be coming up this weekend. I have built up enough of a stock pile of cartoons, and have gotten fast enough, I think at least, that I am going to expand from five days a week, to seven days a week. It will start with Not @ All returning on Saturdays. Then on Sundays, it will vary from different pinups, to poetry, and whatever else I dream up and decide to put up on here. Starting this weekend, the beginning of December, we will kick things off with Christmas themed Not @ All cartoons and pinups.

Well I got time for one fan letter today, so lets get to it.

Dear DVid,

Who were your influences and where did you learn to draw?

- Kevin

Well Kevin, I have given a few of my influences on here in the past, but in case you missed them I will give brief run down of them again. Jim Davis was a huge one for me, as Garfield was the first comic strip I remember ever looking at. Later I got into The Far Side, Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes, and such. When I got into comics there were alot of great artists and books that also inspired me to pick up the pencil. Learning to draw was great as I had alot of wonderful books that have helped me along the way. The fact is, I still look at them for help every now and then. The big one for me is a guy named Christopher Hart. He puts out a butt load of books on how to draw, and for some reason his books seemed to help me out the best. So he is the guy I like to recommend to people who are looking to learn how to draw. I have others as well, but I don't wanna ramble too much.

Well that will do it for today gang, check in again tomorrow for more Shoofly and more of my nonsense. Until then, take care.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Well we have made it to the middle of week folks. I hope your week is blowing by as fast as mine is, I can not believe we are almost done with this week, this month, and very soon, this year. I don't know about any of you, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Mayan calender was all just a big mistake and we will get to see 2013. Well enough with that, lets get on with the whole reason you are here ...... Shoofly!

Now before a I answer a fan letter, I wanted to bring something up. I always bring up the fact that I have ideas for things in future. Well one of those ideas I am going to be running by you now to see if anyone is interested in them. Ok, so one idea I thought would be a little fun to try would be contests where I gave away prizes like original art, and other fun little things.

Alright now let me dig deep into the mail bag and see what I can find for today.

Dear DVid,

Not a fan of yours at all. Your art sucks and I can not 
believe that people like this crap. You are not funny 
and again your not a good artist, I think you 
should just give it up.


Well Dick, do you mind if I call you Dick? Good. So Dick, thank you for taking the time to voice your opinion, although I may disagree with you, and might know a few people who disagree as well. I happen to like my art, and feel that I am getting better with each strip I draw. I hope others are out there enjoying my work as much as I am, and I also hope to one day make a little money doing this. Well now that I got that out I have a question for you. Why would you take the time to write to me and tell this stuff instead of just going on with you life and never coming back to my blog? Hmmm, I don't know Dick. Well Dick, you have a wonderful day now Dick, and take care of yourself Dick.

Dear DVid,

Are you as cute as the drawings you do of yourself? 
And more importantly are you single?


Well Cindy, first off thank you for taking the time to write, and also thank you for sending me something nice. You know I did not know I did that many drawings of myself, but I guess I did. I usually tend to stay away form self portraits as I do not have as high opinion of my looks as you do. So to answer your questions, I don't think I'm as cute as my drawings, but then again you may have a differing opinion. And no I am not single, some how I managed to find someone who is capable of putting up with me, for now at least, and seems to find me mildly attractive. But thanks anyways for the ego boost.

All right ladies and gentlemen, that will do it for this Wednesday. I hope to find you all back here again on Thursday for another cartoon, maybe a few more letters, and some news I hope you will all find to be pleasing to the eyes and mind. Until then, take care.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's all the excitement of the ball pit at the kids playground in a pizzeria. Hitting that last ball in the last round at a miniature golf course. Well it is to me at least, I have no idea what you guys feel, but I am hoping you feel the same as I do. Now lets get to the point of why you are here, the good old strip known as Shoofly.

Well it's Tuesday and we are getting closer to the end of November and the start of December. That means we are getting closer to Christmas. And of course you can start to feel it out there. One of my favorite holidays, my second favorite to be exact. But I will get more into that later in the week, for now lets get to a couple of fan letters.

Dear DVid,

Hey man, just wanted to say I am looking forward 
seeing where this strip is going, it is actually kind of fun. 
Sorry if I sound so surprised by that, but I was unsure in the 
very beginning. These new characters are kind of interesting,
 how long did it take you to come up with them?


Hey Pete, don't worry about seeming surprised by the fact that you like the new strip, I am just glad to hear that you like it. These characters all kind of came about by accident, all that is except Marty the fly, he was someone that I have had since I was a kid. I wish I still had some of the early comics that I could share on here.

Dear DVid,

I keep hearing about all of these new plans you have in store
 for this blog, but have yet to see any of them. What is the deal?
 Are you just pulling our collective chains?


No Ian, I am not pulling anybody's chain. On of the plans I had in store is this whole fan letter thing that I am doing right now. So be happy young man...or boy....or whatever you are, you are part of the new plans. As far as the other plans, well some of those you will be seeing very very soon.

Well that is going to do if for today gang. It has been fun, check back again tomorrow for more Shoofly. Until then, as always, take care.


Monday, November 26, 2012

The bird carcass has been picked clean, leave nothing but a skeleton. Are bellies are full of a whole weekend of turkey and leftovers. The families have all gone their separate ways, at least for a month. And are bodies are slowly recovering from the toll of being shoved and stabbed at the big day after sales. Now we try and get back to the same ol' same ol' of our lives during this holiday season. And with all of that being said, I welcome you all back to my humble little corner of the net. Let us first get the main reason you are here out of the way. Ladies and gentlemen, the Monday edition of Shoofly....

As you may have noticed, things look a bit different this week with Shoofly. Well that is because I have started to find my style a little bit. I like the style of the panels here, they feel more natural to me, and I think that is because of my comic book up bringing. I know it is no secret that I have grown up on a steady diet of comic books, and have studied all of the greats. All I ever wanted growing up was to draw comics books, working at either Marvel or DC. Well things did not work out that way, not to say I am not happy with the work I am doing with my own characters. But doing traditional style comic strips did not seem to work well with me, and seemed kind of pointless on the net. So I am going back to the comic book style. Also I added something else new that seemed to work for me, black and white water color. Since I don't do alot of heavy blacks in my inking, which I can not do in time to put the strip up on a schedule I have for it, I thought adding some B&W water color would be kind of cool. I like it, and am hoping that it works for the rest of you out there.

Alright gang, that is going to do it for this Monday, thanks for stopping by and checking in. Tomorrow I got more Shoofly and a few fan letters to answer as well. So be sure to check it out, and I will see you then. Take care folks.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Chances are you are reading this at three thirty in the morning while you wait in line to get run over by a bunch of shoppers in the pursuit of great deals on this ...... BLACK FRIDAY!! And as you stand in line with some chubby old woman breathing down your neck, you can enjoy this black Friday Shoofly cartoon.

See, its funny cuz it's true folks. Well a little thing to add is that this edition does not have the Shoofly logo on it. The reason being that one, I forgot, and two, there was not alot of room to place it. And now here is a fan letter.

Dear DVid

I am loving this new comic strip Shoofly,
but I have to say I do miss Not @ All. Is there
any chance that we will see the return of it in the
near future? In the mean time, I was wondering who
are all the characters in Shoofly.

- Seth

Well Seth, let me start off my saying thank you for the praise, I to am enjoying Shoofly. As far as Not @ All goes, yes there are future plans for it. In fact something tells me you guys may be seeing it again sooner then you all think. But until then here are some sketches of the Shoofly gang.

Marty the fly



Doc Cauldron


Well that is going to do it for now folks. Have a wonderful weekend and remember to check back in on Monday for more cartoons and stuff. Also this Monday will be a whole new look for Shoofly, something I hope your all going to enjoy. Until then, have fun, keep laughing, and take care.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Well it is here everyone, and let me just say, Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far. My day has started out pretty good so far. Getting up and start cooking, then watching a bit of the parade, before realizing that I am not that big on parades, and instead watching a bunch of movies and holiday specials. Munching on snacks as the smell of cooking turkey and other goodies fill the air.

Well lets get on with the real reason you all came here, holiday cartoons and fun. First up is the star of this little blog, Shoofly.

Next I have a couple fan letter to share and answer.

Dear DVid,

Happy Thanksgiving in advance. I love your drawings and was
wondering if there is any chance I could get some of them on a
T-Shirt or something? It would be really cool if there was.

- Byron

Well Byron, a Happy Thanksgiving back at ya. I am glad that you like my art, it is always nice to have fans. As for T-Shirts and other great merchandise, yes there will be some stuff coming up soon. I am working on building a store for those out there who would like to own things with my art on it.

Dear DVid,

What happened man!?! The art on Not @ All was
sooo much better, why is it not like that with Shoofly?
Is there another artist doing this? Or was there another
one with Not? I am so confused right now!!

- Matt

Wow Matt, you really are confused. Nope, I am still doing all of the art on here, for one it is my site and I have to do all the work, and besides that I am too cheap to outsource my art. But the whole reason the art is so different is because I am still getting used to doing a five day a week cartoon. Plus I am still finding my style. Take for instance today's cartoon, it was the best I was able to do at the time of drawing it, as I seem to be getting better with every cartoon I draw. The things I am doing now for the future stuff is really good, or at least I like to think they are.

Ok, now here is a little Thanksgiving poem I did for you folks, enjoy.

Thanksgiving together

Early to rise,
mom gets outta bed,
heading to the kitchen,
like the walking dead,
She begins to prep,
scanning her book,
and getting ingredients,
so she can cook,
All the while,
she slaves away,
to get things ready,
for Thanksgiving day,
As time goes on,
the others awaken,
to the delicious smell,
of the turkey a baken,
Pop sits in his chair,
with the parade on the tube,
sipping a beer,
like a lazy boob,
The kids huddle around the set,
eyes glued to the show,
looking at all the balloons,
hoping for someone they know,
Sometime after noon,
the door bell will ring,
with the promise of in laws,
who will complain about everything,
They all sit at the table,
with a sigh and a grumble,
awaiting the food,
and a turkey day rumble,
Dinner is served,
but please no touching,
for first we pray,
before we start munching,
We reach for our tools,
and get to cracking,
taking in turkey,
with are lips a smacking,
After stuffing our faces,
and filling our bellies,
with white meat and stuffing,
pies and cranberry jellies,
Now comes the time,
when the adults start to drink,
spouting off at the mouth,
speaking before they think,
Pop begins to yell,
as the in laws criticize,
the kids watch TV,
as mom sniffles and cries,
But its all done in love,
no one really means it,
just venting their feelings,
and working out the bull spit,
The family hugs it out,
and the in laws take their leave,
as the kids hit the hay,
mom and pop sigh with relieve,
They to go off to bed,
their minds swarming,
as the prepare for whats next,
shopping in the morning.

And to finish things off, here is a Thanksgiving pin up drawing.


Ok folks that is going to do it for today, hope you all had as much fun as I did. Check in tomorrow for more cartoons and things, until then, take care folks.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

 The November weather changes like a teenage girl looking for the right outfit. One day it is cold, with dark clouds and the promise of rain or snow. The other day it is warm and sunny, like a final goodbye from our old friend summer. As I write this, it is cool with just a slight breeze, the kind of weather that make me realize I have been writing about the weather way too much.

So has anyone else out there seen the movie Skyfall yet? Yes you back there, the plucky gal with the drooling expression on her face. I really enjoyed it, and I have been that big on James Bond. Really I have only seen a few of the Pierce Brosnon ones until Daniel Craig came along. But after this last one, I may just have to check in to the older ones as well. Syfy channel has been advertising a Thanksgiving day marathon of all the Bond movies they can show. Seems like a good way to spend a day, alot of food, and alot of Bond giving out butt kicking and VD's.

Now tomorrow is the big day. The day where all of the family gathers together to eat turkey, get drunk, and complain about each other. I hope everyone is prepared and has all of the food they need for tomorrow. I also hope everyone remembers to come on by here and check out all the turkey day fun I will have posted up here. Until folks, have fun and take care.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Outside the weather is starting to give that hint of winter. The clouds are growing dark, and the scent of rain is in the air. It is also growing colder, the kind of cold that sinks deep into your bones. The kind of cold that can only be taken care of by sitting by your window with a cup of hot chocolate. The leave on the trees have almost all covered the ground, creating a carpet of yellow, orange, and brown. It is truly one of my favorite seasons.

Welcome back everyone, and thank you all for stopping by. We are a few days away from Thanksgiving, and a special edition of Shoofly, an edition that I hope you all will like as much I did when I did it. But I will get more into that when it comes.

I keep saying that I have some fun little surprised in store for everyone in the near future. Well one of them is going to happen on Thanksgiving day, but I will not spoil it for you just yet.

Also I mentioned last time that I would be posting fan letters on the site instead of doing comments. When you send me your letters, please include your first name as I will not be posting your email address on the site.

Well fans, that is going to do it for today, hope you all had as much fun as I did. Remember to come back again tomorrow and check out some more artistic fun with Shoofly. Until then, take care.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Welcome back gang, and a happy Monday to you all. I hope everyone out there had a good weekend, and I hope you are all ready for Thanksgiving this week, as well as more Shoofly. I have been working away this weekend to get things ready for the future of this little blog. There is some interesting things coming along here in the near future, and I hope you are all as excited as I am by them. One little thing I can reveal now, is that I am turning of the comments on the blog. Instead of doing comments like every other site out there, I thought it would be more fun to go old school, and do fan letters, which I will respond to them if I can. So click on the email address and send me your thoughts, comments, and whatever else is on your mind, just make sure to keep it kind of clean or I will not print them.

And now on to another note, Thanksgiving. Yep, it is almost her folks, that wonderful gathering of family, where we sit around a table loaded with too much food to feed an army. We stuff ourselves with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, all the while making sure to save room for some pumpkin pie, or my favorite, pecan pie. Hmmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it all now. Thanksgiving is one of those holidays, to me at least, where it means little or nothing to me until it finally comes. I was never that big on it, mainly because the past few years I always had to work on it, and working on Thanksgiving is an unforgivable sin. Those money grubbing companies out there now want so much money that I will make others take time away from family and food, all in the attempt to go from millionaires to multimillionaires. That last two years I have been out of work, laid off because I liked to speak my mind and because I looked out for friends I worked with. So I have had the past two Thanksgivings off, and was able to enjoy them again the way I liked to. So I feel for those out there that have to work this holiday season, and that is why I do not shop on any holiday. If we stopped shopping, they would have to close the stores, and people could be home for the holidays again.

Well I will get down off my soap box now and bid you all a good day, and remind you to come back again tomorrow for more Shoofly and maybe a little less soap box lectures. Until then take care folks.


Friday, November 16, 2012

And now its Friday fans, and that means that it is the end of the week, and the last cartoon of the week. Its a bit sad, but don't shed any tears for its only two days until we get another cartoon. And next week is the week of Thanksgiving, a wonderful holiday filled with food and drinks and nothing good on TV except football and a parade. My mouth is watering just thinking about all that tempting food. But until then we will just have to make it through the weekend, and then the three days before Thanksgiving.

So today's cartoon actually rings true a little bit, as I am a bit of a slob, although not to the point of Manny. I like to think it is because I am so busy working on my many projects, but the truth of the fact is that I am just lazy and there is always something good on TV.

Well folks that is going to do it for today, see you all again on Monday for more Shoofly cartoons. Have a great weekend and take it easy out there folks.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday is here fans, and with it comes another Shoofly comic, go ahead and smile, I know you wanna. Today's strip is the introduction of the other new main character for the comic. I'm not sure where the idea for Manny the giant rat came from, it just sorta popped in there. Animals seem to be a bit easier for me to draw some times, and rats and flies are the easiest of them all.

Well I have written a number of these, and as much as I want to say they are getting easier, they really are not. It can be hard to sit here and find something to write about, which is really funny as besides being a cartoonist, I also want to be a writer. I like to mess around with poetry, short stories, and I have note books filled with ideas for comic books and novels. Yet I still have so much trouble putting down words to paper, or a computer screen as it were.

Alright folks, thats going to do it for today, hope you all had as much fun as I did. Now don't you forget to comeback again tomorrow for the last cartoon of the week. See you then fans.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy Wednesday comic fans, welcome to another Shoofly. I said last time that my plans for this strip are going to get weird, but don't worry, they won't be too weird. See this strip is purely a spur of the moment strip. But it also is going to introduce you characters and ideas that will be major things for me in the future, and things that I hope all of you will be looking forward to these ideas as well.

Now as I write this, I am currently watching an episode of Once Upon A Time, which is a show that I have become very addicted to since last season. I admit was more then skeptical about trying it, as I thought one, the show would end up getting canceled, and two, the show seemed to be a rip off of one of my favorite comics, Fables. But I gave it a chance anyways, and the darn thing got me hooked right off the bat. Still wish it would have been Fables though. I recommend both Once and Fables to those of you out there are are not either reading or watching these two great stories.

Well that is going to do it for today my fine fans, come back again tomorrow for another good comic that you will enjoy the heck outta of. Until then fans.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Good Tuesday to you all, and welcome back yet again. As I write this I am looking out the window and hoping that it will snow, or at least rain soon, as I love the cold weather. There is nothing better then sitting by the window with a hot cup of something, or even a glass of a nice adult beverage, as watch the snow flakes fall, or listen to the drops of rain hit the ground. This is why fall and winter are two of my favorite seasons, you add the weather to the colors, the yellow, brown, and red of the leaves on the trees, or white of the freshly fallen snow as it blankets the scenery. Just sitting here and thinking about it makes me happy.

So today's comic strip introduces one of the two new characters that are going to be part of the main cast. Now the strip is starting to take forum, and trust me things are going to get a little weirder, as I am a major fan of those odd cartoons they show on adultswim, Aqua Teen Hunger Force being at the top of the list.

Well fans, that is going to do it for today, come back Wednesday for more Shoofly, and more of my random ramblings. Take care folks.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Well now folks, here we are at the second week of our comic strip. It also dawns on me that we are drawing closer to that wonderful family holiday Thanksgiving. And with that fast approaching, that means Christmas is also on the horizon. Before we know it, this year will be done, and 2013 will upon us. Well that is of course if the world does not end in December and all that. Boy that would really suck, the world ending and me not getting my career as a cartoonist off the ground.

Well as I write this I am still working on building that stock pile of cartoons, and like a said before, the art is getting better. I am starting to find my style for this strip, as well as getting faster with the art.

Well fans, that is going to do it for this Monday. Check back tomorrow for more fall fun with a new cartoon. Until then, be good folks.


Friday, November 9, 2012

And Friday has come! We made it to the end of the week guys! A full week of comics, man I did not think we were going to do it, but we did. And the even better news is that even though the week is done, that does not mean that Shoofly is done. Nope, next Monday there will be more, so I hope that makes people happy, cause it sure got my engine going. Also, I got something else in the works for this strip, but I can't say too much yet, as I would hate to get your hopes up, only to fail yet again. So stay tuned as more goodies may be on their way.

That's going to do it for this week, come back again on Monday for more Shoofly, and have a safe and wonderful weekend.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday is here, and that means it is only one day away from the weekend. I am sure everyone out there is excited to get the weekend up and going. I know I always am. We got another new Shoofly strip here for you to enjoy, and I sure as heck hope you enjoy it. I am sure you noticed the last panel there, and how Marty seems a bit cut off. Yeah I had already started to draw it, and began to notice how I screwed it up, but since I wanted to hurry up and get it done so I could move on to the next one and continue to build my stock pile of comics, I just let it go and left it to be messed up. Hope that does not ruin it for anyone out there, sometimes in the heat of it all, you tend to make mistakes.

Well thanks again for dropping by, I will see you all back here again tomorrow for Friday's comic.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A good Wednesday to you all out there, and welcome back, I hope you all are ready for more Shoofly, the number one new hit comic strip ..... in my mind at least. Today I thought I would tell you a little about the strip and it's back ground, but I will be sure to keep it short.

So the idea is kind of an old one, as I used to draw Marty back in grade school before he had a name. Back then he was just a giant unlucky fly, who always happened to get hurt and crushed by something. When you fast forward to today, the character came back, after going through many story changes over the years, and I decided to give him a new strip. Granted this is a practice strip to help build my skill, but still a fun one.

Alright folks, that will do it for today, I expect to see you all back here again tomorrow, and feel free to bring along some of your friends.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Holy cow this is strange, doing a comic on a Tuesday. Is it kind of odd for you all as well? It is something that we will all have to get used to together. Well this is the second installment of Shoofly, the one where the main star of our little comic finally shows his face. You know as I write his I have realized that I never quite gave the characters a proper introduction and all. So, the mad scientist there, is named Doc Cauldron, and the giant fly is named Marty, bet you can't guess where I got the inspiration for that name.

Thanks again for stopping by and checking it out, be sure to come back tomorrow for more with our little cast.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Welcome one and all to the very first Shoofly strip. I wanted to do a daily strip, but I am not that fast at drawing, so we are doing five days a week. That's right, Monday through Friday. Now to pull this off I have started to build a little stock pile of comics so I don't fall behind and all. Another little note, some of you may not think the art work is all that great, well I certainly don't think that it sucks, but I will admit that it is a bit rushed, and that is because I rushed to get it all ready to go. So if your not that into the art, and think that my other stuff was much better, just hang in there as it will get better. As I was drawing this strip, I noticed that I am not that good at drawing the same characters over and over again, and making them look like they are the same characters, yet. Given time my skill will improve, and I will begin to develop a style of my own. I like to think of this as a journey, my journey to becoming the artist that I know I can be, and I hope that those of you who check this blog out, are willing to stick with it, as I also hope to pick up lots and lots of new fans as well.

Thanks for checking out Shoofly, and remember to come back again tomorrow, so we can have more fun.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Friday all! It should be a great weekend coming up as it will be the first weekend of November. The leaves outside are all kinds of different colors to show that fall is here. But as I stare outside my window I still see alot of green as the desert plants tend to stay green all winter. I got a brand new Not @ All cartoon for you, as well as some news as to the future of this fun little blog I have been working on here.

So I hope you all enjoyed that cartoon, as the sad news I am about to deliver to you will be easier to take if you are fan of Not @ All. I have had alot of fun doing this cartoon, and hope I can return to it again as soon as possible. But I am still very new at doing comic strips, and have had alot of trouble coming up with material for this strip. So for the time being, Not @ All will be going on hiatus. But like I said, if I can come up with more stuff I will bring it back.

So with Not @ All ending you may now wonder what does that mean for the future of this blog. That is a very good question, and I hope you will all be satisfied with the answer. I will be doing a brand new strip called Shoofly. This strip will be done in black and white, as color will be more difficult to do with this one, and will be Monday through Friday. So for loosing one strip, you will be gaining a new five days a week strip. Boy I hope you guys like that idea as much I do. Shoofly will be a major challenge for me, keeping a tight deadline and all, but I know it will be alot of fun. So here is a sneak peak at the strip, a quick sketch I did of the main character of Shoofly.

Well that's all folks. I hope you all enjoyed Not @ All as much as I did. I hope to bring it back again in the near future. Remember to check back in on Monday for the start of Shoofly. Until then, have a great weekend, take care, and keep spreading the good word of the cartoons.
