Wednesday, November 21, 2012

 The November weather changes like a teenage girl looking for the right outfit. One day it is cold, with dark clouds and the promise of rain or snow. The other day it is warm and sunny, like a final goodbye from our old friend summer. As I write this, it is cool with just a slight breeze, the kind of weather that make me realize I have been writing about the weather way too much.

So has anyone else out there seen the movie Skyfall yet? Yes you back there, the plucky gal with the drooling expression on her face. I really enjoyed it, and I have been that big on James Bond. Really I have only seen a few of the Pierce Brosnon ones until Daniel Craig came along. But after this last one, I may just have to check in to the older ones as well. Syfy channel has been advertising a Thanksgiving day marathon of all the Bond movies they can show. Seems like a good way to spend a day, alot of food, and alot of Bond giving out butt kicking and VD's.

Now tomorrow is the big day. The day where all of the family gathers together to eat turkey, get drunk, and complain about each other. I hope everyone is prepared and has all of the food they need for tomorrow. I also hope everyone remembers to come on by here and check out all the turkey day fun I will have posted up here. Until folks, have fun and take care.
