Monday, November 5, 2012

Welcome one and all to the very first Shoofly strip. I wanted to do a daily strip, but I am not that fast at drawing, so we are doing five days a week. That's right, Monday through Friday. Now to pull this off I have started to build a little stock pile of comics so I don't fall behind and all. Another little note, some of you may not think the art work is all that great, well I certainly don't think that it sucks, but I will admit that it is a bit rushed, and that is because I rushed to get it all ready to go. So if your not that into the art, and think that my other stuff was much better, just hang in there as it will get better. As I was drawing this strip, I noticed that I am not that good at drawing the same characters over and over again, and making them look like they are the same characters, yet. Given time my skill will improve, and I will begin to develop a style of my own. I like to think of this as a journey, my journey to becoming the artist that I know I can be, and I hope that those of you who check this blog out, are willing to stick with it, as I also hope to pick up lots and lots of new fans as well.

Thanks for checking out Shoofly, and remember to come back again tomorrow, so we can have more fun.
