Friday, September 7, 2012

Well we have made it to yet another Friday folks. It always amazes me when we get this far, just as it amazes me that there are people out there who are looking at my cartoons and hopefully getting just as much fun out of them as I put into them. So today's cartoon came to me one day while watching TV and seeing an add for Jenny Craig. It was something like the women in the commercial were all singing about how they shared everything, and I was like "really? Everything?" And then we fast forward to now where we see the cartoon up there.

Today's dedication goes out to Christopher Hart. His books are one of the main reasons that I have been able to sharpen my art skills. Yeah sure I am not great, but I am always working at getting better, and with each drawing I feel that I do get better. On my journey to get better, there is a stack of comic books and art books that sit next to my desk. Many of those books are by Christopher Hart, and always provide great insight into the art process. So thank you Mr. Hart for provides such great material for me to study and help improve my art.

Well that will do it for today's cartoon. As always, I expect to see you all here on Monday for another cartoon. It would be nice if I also saw some new faces out there, you know to help build up the revolution and all. So until next time folks, be fair, share, and take care.
