Friday, September 21, 2012

Thank god its Friday people, we made it yet again to the end of another week. Boy if we keep this up we will reach a year in not time. So I hope you all have been looking forward to this as much I have. Now today's joke was just something that popped in my head a little while back, as I was thinking that people tend to spend way too much time with their smart phones. Hmm, starting to sound like the crazy old guy down the street, next thing you know I will be yelling at kids to get off the yawn in my underwear. Yikes! That's a horrible image to put out there.

Now for today's dedication, and this is a hard one because I am burning through these faster then I had expected to. So I am going to do another band today, The Gorillaz. Another one that always ends up on a playlist or will put on an endless cycle of repeat. Their music can really help me get going as I am writing or drawing. And they have done alot of songs the seem to end up being favorites of mine. So a big thank you goes out to them for providing music for me to listen to while I work.

Well that is it for today folks, another Friday and another week has come to an end. Now get those frowns off your face, because we will be back on Monday with a brand new cartoon. So until then you will just have to have a good weekend. And you all know the motto by now, but just in case you forgot it, here it is again. Remember to take care, be fair, and share.
