Monday, September 17, 2012

Good Monday to you all. Here we are with another start of the week, and another Not @ All cartoon to help you get going. Today's cartoon was just a random thought that popped in my head awhile back, and I kind of fooled around with it until this image came be. It started with me watching a show where the guy was yelling at his girlfriend and calling her a slut, then later that same day as the scene continued to play in my head, I saw sign for a casino advertising that they had the loosest slots in town. Well the word play seemed pretty obvious to me, as I am sure it would have been for most folks. Now fast forward to today were we see the toon in its final format.

Today's dedication goes out to my friends David and Audra, who seem to always be very supportive all the things I claim I am going to do, even if those things never actually happen, or seem incredibly stupid. It is nice to know that there are people out there who will stand beside you as put your heart and soul out there for the world to see. So thanks guys, if I ever get filthy stinking rich off of an of my ideas, I will be sure to remember you and take you to out for lunch or something, any 99 cent menu you want.

Well that's going to do it for today fans. Now, now, don't be sad, as always, we will meet back here on Wednesday for the middle of the week joke. Until then, as always, take care, be fair, and remember to share.
