And we are now at seven days and
counting until the big day. It is really coming up on us fast, and I
am damn sure not ready. Still have plenty of presents that still need
to be wrapped, as well as a few handmade items that need to be
finished. What can I say, I am a procrastinator. Well enough about my
failure at the holidays, lets get in on some Shoofly.
Ok, lets take a peek at another
Christmas letter to ol' Saint Nick.
Dear Santa,
Hello there big guy, I am hoping that I
will have lots of presents under the Christmas tree this year. But
what I would really like to have this year is a new baby brother. And
I know I know, you will just tell me to talk to my mom and dad, but
the thing is, my dad is always away on business, and my mom just
locks herself away in her room. The odd thing is that is sounds like
she is shaving in there as it sounds like my dads razor. Often times
she comes out of there tired and complaining about my dad. This is
where you come in. See I have heard the song, I Saw Mommy Kissing
Santa Claus, and know that you have a reputation for this. I was
hoping that if I lit some candles, left out some wine, and and put on
a Barry White CD, like what my parents used to do, you could put a
baby in my momma like my daddy did. Anyways, thank you in advance for
taking this into consideration. And also give my thanks to Mrs. Claus
for pimping you out, as my friends older brother likes to say.
And on that note, I think its best we
part ways for today. Thanks one and all for dropping by and I hope to
see you all again tomorrow for more of this holiday week here with