Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy Sunday folks, I hope that you all have been enjoying your weekend so far. Today I got a little drawing for you in the spirit of the holidays. I think that it captures a major part of what makes up how we all see the holidays now. Enjoy.

Well now, does that not just about sum it all up. A girl shopping in the mall. Well lets do a quick fan letter then I will let you all go on about your day.

Dear DVid,

So far so good. Shoofly is pretty funny and I am starting 
to like the art more and more. Why are you doing 
black and white and not color though?


Hey Dan, thanks for liking the strip, and thanks for liking the art. It is always nice to hear from people who like my work, it really means alot to an artist, no matter how hard the may try and pretend it does not matter. Having fans is the best part of being an artist or a writer in my opinion. It can make you feel like you are actually doing something important. So I am glad that you, as well as all the others out there, are writing and telling me how you feel. Now as far as the black and white goes, I just liked the way the first one turned out when I did it. Black and white is a little easier to do as well, since I only have to deal with a few colors.

Alright then gang, lets call it a day. Thanks for dropping by gang, hope you all come back again tomorrow.
