Tuesday, December 11, 2012

And Tuesday is here my friends and fans. Slowly buy surely we are working our way back to the weekend, and all the fun that it contains. Now without further adieu, here is another new Shoofly for you to enjoy.

Ok, let me just say that this was one of the hard panels I had to do for this week. See I am still getting the hang of all of this, and trying to produce a comic on a schedule does put a bit of a cramp in my style, as I always feel rushed. While the feeling does help me get my stuff up on time, it does however take a toll on the work as I am still learning. The Asian woman that is going to work on Sasha's new hairdo, she was a tough one to draw, as I had no idea when I started, what she would look like. Then having to draw her twice, almost like the same panel, well that took a bit to get it even remotely looking the same. Also I want to point out that Sasha looks a bit different here, that is because I am still working out the perfect shape for her. These are the down falls of doing a comic without planning ahead. But it is still fun to make it up as I go.

Ok gang, that is going to do it for today, I will catch you all here again tomorrow for more Shoofly and maybe even a fan letter.
