Monday, December 3, 2012

It's Monday again my friends and with it brings a brand new Shoofly cartoon for you all to enjoy.

As I write this the rain is pouring down outside, something I as you know I really enjoy. However all the news channels keep telling me that it is going to flood, which would be bad because it would ruin my comic collection. Oh yeah and it would be bad for all the houses it would ruin to.

Well folks, we are two days closer to Christmas, and yet I have done about two percent of my Christmas shopping. I really had hoped that I would have been able to get it all done before the the Christmas rush, but it looks like I will have to go out in the hustle and bustle of the crowds and fight my way to the gifts. Thankfully I have my little haven here on the net where I can come and find the peace I will need to survive shopping.

Well I am going to cut today a little short as I am in a rush to go out and get gifts, as well as finish up the last few strips for the holidays. I would hate to get late again friends. So I will see you all tomorrow.
