Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Well we have made it to the middle of week folks. I hope your week is blowing by as fast as mine is, I can not believe we are almost done with this week, this month, and very soon, this year. I don't know about any of you, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Mayan calender was all just a big mistake and we will get to see 2013. Well enough with that, lets get on with the whole reason you are here ...... Shoofly!

Now before a I answer a fan letter, I wanted to bring something up. I always bring up the fact that I have ideas for things in future. Well one of those ideas I am going to be running by you now to see if anyone is interested in them. Ok, so one idea I thought would be a little fun to try would be contests where I gave away prizes like original art, and other fun little things.

Alright now let me dig deep into the mail bag and see what I can find for today.

Dear DVid,

Not a fan of yours at all. Your art sucks and I can not 
believe that people like this crap. You are not funny 
and again your not a good artist, I think you 
should just give it up.


Well Dick, do you mind if I call you Dick? Good. So Dick, thank you for taking the time to voice your opinion, although I may disagree with you, and might know a few people who disagree as well. I happen to like my art, and feel that I am getting better with each strip I draw. I hope others are out there enjoying my work as much as I am, and I also hope to one day make a little money doing this. Well now that I got that out I have a question for you. Why would you take the time to write to me and tell this stuff instead of just going on with you life and never coming back to my blog? Hmmm, I don't know Dick. Well Dick, you have a wonderful day now Dick, and take care of yourself Dick.

Dear DVid,

Are you as cute as the drawings you do of yourself? 
And more importantly are you single?


Well Cindy, first off thank you for taking the time to write, and also thank you for sending me something nice. You know I did not know I did that many drawings of myself, but I guess I did. I usually tend to stay away form self portraits as I do not have as high opinion of my looks as you do. So to answer your questions, I don't think I'm as cute as my drawings, but then again you may have a differing opinion. And no I am not single, some how I managed to find someone who is capable of putting up with me, for now at least, and seems to find me mildly attractive. But thanks anyways for the ego boost.

All right ladies and gentlemen, that will do it for this Wednesday. I hope to find you all back here again on Thursday for another cartoon, maybe a few more letters, and some news I hope you will all find to be pleasing to the eyes and mind. Until then, take care.
