Monday, November 12, 2012

Well now folks, here we are at the second week of our comic strip. It also dawns on me that we are drawing closer to that wonderful family holiday Thanksgiving. And with that fast approaching, that means Christmas is also on the horizon. Before we know it, this year will be done, and 2013 will upon us. Well that is of course if the world does not end in December and all that. Boy that would really suck, the world ending and me not getting my career as a cartoonist off the ground.

Well as I write this I am still working on building that stock pile of cartoons, and like a said before, the art is getting better. I am starting to find my style for this strip, as well as getting faster with the art.

Well fans, that is going to do it for this Monday. Check back tomorrow for more fall fun with a new cartoon. Until then, be good folks.
