Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Good Tuesday to you all, and welcome back yet again. As I write this I am looking out the window and hoping that it will snow, or at least rain soon, as I love the cold weather. There is nothing better then sitting by the window with a hot cup of something, or even a glass of a nice adult beverage, as watch the snow flakes fall, or listen to the drops of rain hit the ground. This is why fall and winter are two of my favorite seasons, you add the weather to the colors, the yellow, brown, and red of the leaves on the trees, or white of the freshly fallen snow as it blankets the scenery. Just sitting here and thinking about it makes me happy.

So today's comic strip introduces one of the two new characters that are going to be part of the main cast. Now the strip is starting to take forum, and trust me things are going to get a little weirder, as I am a major fan of those odd cartoons they show on adultswim, Aqua Teen Hunger Force being at the top of the list.

Well fans, that is going to do it for today, come back Wednesday for more Shoofly, and more of my random ramblings. Take care folks.
