Monday, October 15, 2012

It creeps up upon you like a ghost fart thats lingers in the air. Yes my friends and fans, once again Monday has come to take away the joy of the weekend. But fear not, for this Monday, like the past several, comes with good news. Yes, I give to you another new Not @ All cartoon to enjoy.

Today's cartoon includes the four major icons from the Universal horror movies. Frankenstein, Dracula, the Wolfman, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Although you do not see Creature here, this joke heavily revolves around him. I just thought it would be funny to see what it would be like with the monsters being racist, and of course there was only one choice for the one receiving said racism, it had to be the Creature, as he does hail from the Black Lagoon.

The Universal films were indeed some of my favorites, the one getting me started was Creature from the Black Lagoon, and later getting into Wolfman and Dracula. Now my favorites are Frankenstein and Bride, followed by Dracula's Daughter and its either House of Frankenstein or House of Dracula. The ones where the monsters all meet are always cool with me, because it is cool to seem them interact with each other. That was why one of my favorite movies was, and still is, Monster Squad, the only movie that actually incorporated all the main monsters in the house of Universal. The funny thing is, that was the movie that made me realize how much of a puss the Creature was. I mean think about it, in his movies as simple gun always brought the monster down, and then in Monster Squad, it was a shot gun. They blew up the damn Wolfman and he pieced himself back together, but the Creature gets taken down by a fat kid with a shot gun!?!

Any who, that will do it for today's cartoon. Check back on Wednesday for the middle of the week toon, and some more random and stupid facts about monsters and Halloween stuff. Take care folks and I'll see ya when I see ya.
