Monday, April 15, 2013

Alright so I know that it's Monday and there is no new comic up. I would say that is my bad and that I was a being a lazy artist, but there is another reason. I am up to my eye balls in personal stuff that is making it too hard to maintain a five day a week web comic. Now I don't want to bore you with the details of my life, but I had originally planned to put the web comic on temporarily hiatus. However, my love of drawing and wanting to not stop doing something that I have loved doing, made me rethink this whole idea. So what I am going to do is slow down on the comics, and for the time being I will be making one post a week, on Wednesday. That way I can keep going instead of quitting. But once things go back to normal I will be trying to get back to a regular schedule again, and posting more often. So thanks to the few of you out there who are supporting my dream checking in on my progress.
