Friday, September 14, 2012

Well we have done it once again fans, we have made it to yet another Friday. I know, I know, I am surprised as well. But some how we seem to have found ourselves this far. And I don't know about you guys, but to me this has been a fun journey so far, and I look forward to how far I can take this.

Well today's dedication goes out to Charles Schultz, who gave the world the most iconic comic strip character of all times. When I was a kid I was not that big on Peanuts, sure I liked Snoopy and Woodstock, but the rest of the characters never did anything for me. Later on as I got older I began to get into the whole cast from Peanuts, and even found myself really liking the early days of the strip when Snoopy was still a puppy. The art had a certain charm, and innocents of characters made the strip something more then just the three panel joke kind of comic. Charles Schultz created characters that, at some time in their life, would speak to every one of us, touching the hearts of children, and the children in the hearts of adults. It is a recurring dream and fantasy of mine, to someday be able to create something that has that kind of effect on people.

Well fans, thats gonna do it for today. Have a wonderful weekend, no matter what you are doing, make sure to have some fun. I will hope to see you all back here on Monday for another new cartoon and some more of my ramblings. Until then, you know the drill, take care, be fair, and remember to share.
