I would like to start this blog off
right by welcoming you all here and saying thanks for stopping by.
Here on DVid's World I am going to be posting a webcomic I came up
with called Not @ All, this little strip is a way for me to get my
work out there and seen by the wide wonderful world, as well as learn
how to get better at the whole art process and keep deadlines. I will
be posting new material every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each
toon will come with a special dedication to someone who had either
helped me along the way or inspired me to reach for my dreams.
This first toon is one I did awhile
back, I cleaned it up a bit and slapped a Not @ All logo on there.
Now I am not going to make excuse for my art, I have loved everything
I have done, but I do recognize that my early work is not up to my
current skill set. But I still like those early ones, that is why I
am showing them to you.
I had to think long and hard about who
would get the first dedication. In the end there was only one way to
go with this, and it is a pretty obvious one at that. So this one
here is dedicated to my entire family, the ones I live with, the ones
I hardly ever see, and the ones that are no longer with us. Thanks
for the support and not calling me a bum, at least not to my face.
Now as Porky Pig says, that's all folks!. See ya on Wednesday.